• info@cloverone.com

Sell Side Advisory

Cloverone specializes in enabling successful exits for SMEs, proprietary businesses, corporates and private equity backed enterprises.

We work with our clients to develop an appropriate strategy to generate successful exits.

We proactively work with companies to equip them with the right exit strategies in order to make breakthrough changes in their business, resulting in increased valuation in the future. In the process, we unearth hidden values and/or non-financial metrics that could positively impact the business on long-term basis.

List of buyers:

We work with our clients to derive a list of potential strategic purchasers. In some instances our clients have an initial list of potential purchasers, but in all cases the targets are derived from our own extensive and focused research.

We have over 200 potential buyers who constantly work with Cloverone in looking for the right investments in the Middle East. Our networks are derived from our extensive research and are solidified with good track records.

Teaser and Information Memorandum:

Our sell-side methodology involves the Cloverone understanding the business, which then enables us to develop an information memorandum which explains the business to interested buyers. This is a document that sets out the business in a positive manner but does not shy away from key issues. This document is sent to interested companies and investors under an appropriate confidentiality agreement and is the major document upon which potential purchasers are encouraged to bid. By keeping several bidders actively involved we aim to create a competitive environment thus improving the exit value for our clients.

Transaction management:

We manage transaction process. The project facilitation is crucial as Cloverone can explain the business and involve the business managers at appropriate stages. We stay closely involved throughout the transaction, frequently unlocking situations between lawyers or principals.